Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What to Eat Post 1

So, we've mostly worked out how we're all getting there and where we're going to sleep but what are we all going to eat!? Well there are a few options. This post is about what meals are already planned and food that can be found right there at Chico, there will be a following post about where to buy groceries before you get here.

Planned Meals
First, there are a couple of meals already planned where we can all come together and eat as a family. 
  1. Sunday Dinner, Daniel & Renee are hosting a Pizza Party. 
  2. Tuesday Dinner Potluck, MaRae King is providing ground beef for Tacos, the Rausch family is bringing Beans and Sauerkraut, and the Wolf family is bringing a Garden Salad.
  3. Thursday we will all enjoy a fancy dinner in celebration on Renee & Daniel's 10 years of marriage. 
There is a Poolside Grille  open for lunch and dinner and the full menu (see below) is also served in the Saloon. (both are located around the hot springs pools)

There is also a formal dining room which serves dinner and is storied to have AMAZING food. Reservations are highly recommended by the resort. All of the tasty produce comes from the gardens right there at Chico. The menu is as follows.

For more information check out the website at:

Big Sky Or Bust

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